Academic Excellence at KIPP
To enable each of our 125,000 students to succeed in the college and career paths of their choice, KIPP schools work to create classrooms that embrace student experience, empower students to engage in meaningful debate, and encourage action. Across all content areas, students are encouraged to connect lessons to their own lives and to understand diverse perspectives.

Literacy at KIPP
Our vision is that every child grows free to create the future they want for themselves and their communities, and we know that the ability to read and write well unlocks the doors to that future. KIPP’s English Language Arts curriculum is grounded in the science of reading, with rich texts that are affirming, build knowledge, and strengthen students’ literacy skills. All KIPP teachers are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools to strengthen literacy in their classrooms and beyond.

Math at KIPP
Strong problem-solving skills are critical throughout students’ academic and career journeys. Across the KIPP network, math teachers receive ongoing training to best instruct students. Our math instruction emphasizes procedural and conceptual understanding, allowing students to explore multiple strategies to solve problems and show their thinking. KIPP schools use one of three nationally-recognized options for math curriculum: Eureka Math, Imagine Learning: Illustrative Math, or Open-Up.

High Schools at KIPP
Our mission is to ensure that all KIPP students are well-prepared for the challenges of college and beyond. KIPP high school principals and teachers have access to the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools, to ensure students have a strong foundation before pursuing college and careers. In every KIPP high school, we do what it takes to make sure students get off to a strong start in 9th grade, feel confident and prepared for pre-college exams, and are aware of the steps needed to apply for and enroll in postsecondary education.